I Want To Help You (Oneshot)

"Hey, Tiana, listen, you were really great!"
Ella's enchanting voice greeted me as I returned to the classroom from the library after lunch break. Behind her, Cornelia-sama stood with a troubled smile on her face.

"I was just watering the flowers in the courtyard with Cornelia-sama. And then..."
A bee flew out from one of the small buds that Cornelia-sama had put her face to.
She was taken by surprise and took a step back, but that's when she slipped.
"Are you okay?"

A white cloak fluttered in the air, and Julius-sama, dressed in the formal attire for the Knight Course, was holding Cornelia-sama from behind.

“I don't know how long you've been there, but it's as if you suddenly descended from the sky to protect Cornelia-sama! Your hands are so gentle that there is no weight at all, just like a knight embracing a princess!”
The female students gathered around me sighed at Ella's theatrical and enthusiastic speech.
Of course, I was one of them.

"My goodness, you're all overreacting. He just happened to be there to help me."
Cornelia-sama smiled at us as we continued to talk while she moved to the next classroom.
The wind blowing in through the window made her golden hair flutter lightly.

Having recently celebrated her eighteenth birthday, Cornelia-sama has become even more beautiful.
The way she smiles with her long eyelashes down is breathtaking, even for a woman like me.

As I walked behind Ella and the others, who were engrossed in their conversation, I thought about Adele.
I wonder what Adele was doing when Julius-sama saved Cornelia-sama in the flowerbed.
You can't let her get ahead of you in protecting Cornelia-sama.
Oh, but what if he was watching from afar when Julius-sama held Cornelia-sama in his arms? I hope Adele doesn’t end up feeling sad.

"Tiana, what's wrong? Hurry up, class is about to start, okay?"

When I looked up at the sudden sound, I saw that everyone had already gone down the stairs and were walking down the hallway.
Leni, who was walking at the end of the line, turned and looked up at me curiously on the stairs.
"Ah … I'm sorry, I'm coming …!”
My toes caught the edge of the stairs as I hurriedly stepped out, and I tripped. I thought I heard Leni scream.

"I'm so sorry …”
I opened my tightly shut eyes fearfully.
The arm of a white uniform was holding my body tightly.

With his other hand, he gripped the stair railing firmly, and his hazel eyes narrowed lightly as he looked at me.

"Adele …”
The very person I was just thinking about, was now supporting my body with one hand.
"Oh, thank you …”
"How many years have you been using this school building? You’re too distracted."
I tried to say thank you, but after hearing him say that, I reflexively responded.
"What, I could've spun around and landed safely! In fact, I would have done it on purpose!"
"Huh? Don't make me laugh, are you gonna catch yourself with a simple spin? Who was the one screaming for help just now?"
"Are you both okay?"
I was surprised to hear a soft voice.

I noticed that at the bottom of the stairs, Cornelia-sama and the boys in their knight course uniforms, including Julius-sama, had gathered and were looking up at us in dismay.
“It's all right, Julius-sama, and I'm sorry, Cornelia-sama too!”
“I'm glad you didn't fall, Tia. I thought my heart was going to stop.”
I was about to run towards Lady Cornelia, who was putting her hands over her mouth, when … my feet hit the sky … Huh?

"Hey, Adele. Isn't it about time you put Tia down?"
Julius-sama tilted his head with a bitter smile.
I looked down and saw that my body was still firmly supported by Adele's arms.
Just above my chest, his arms were still in the same position as if they were crushing my chest.

"Ade- …”
When I looked up, my eyes met Adele's, who was looking at me in surprise.
At this distance, I could see his earlobe peeking out from under his dark blonde hair turning … slightly red? And then, unexpectedly, he pulled his arm away.

With a few steps left, I lost my balance and almost fell, but this time Julius-sama supported me.
"Oh, my Lord! Adele, what the hell!?"
"You're too heavy. You're gonna crush Julius."
With a click of his boot, Adele walked up the stairs without looking back. The other boys followed Adele, laughing in disgust.

"~~Adele's an idiot! I can't believe he'd say something like that to a lady! I can't believe it!"
"Forgive me, Tia."
Julius-sama cowers his shoulders at my indignation. In his hands, he held two textbooks. One of them was bent, torn and dirty.
"It was amazing. He threw out all his stuff. I've never seen Adele run that fast, not even in training."
"Yeah, it looked like the wind had blown through. I was so surprised."
Ella and the others nodded and looked at each other. I didn't know how to respond, so I smiled shyly.

"It was just a coincidence. If he was trying to save me, would he have thrown me like that at the end? He must have mistaken me for someone else."
Julius-sama put his textbook over his mouth and mumbled something while trying to hide his expression.
"That last one was … well, I guess I got upset in a boyish way. Adele, I hope you get a good night's sleep tonight after touching her like that …"
"What was that? Julius-sama."
"No, it's nothing. Then I'm going, too. See you, Cornelia."
Julius-sama smiles like a flower opening.
Cornelia-sama also nodded her head and smiled, and we all let out a sigh at the sight.

And so we headed off to our respective classrooms as if nothing had happened.

As we walked along, laughing, I remembered the strength of Adele's arms that had held me.
She had such strong arms. I was surprised. You've gotten stronger, haven't you? You work so hard every day, don't you, Adele?

When I thought like that, my heart started to beat faster on its own.
I felt my cheeks getting hot, so I put the textbook in my hands on my forehead to hide my face.

--Oh, my God, you idiot. Don't make a mistake. You weren’t aiming for me, right? You have to help Cornelia-sama.

I gently turned around to see that he was no longer at the top of the stairs.
I breathe in and start walking fast.

It would be another six months before the announcement of my "coming of age ceremony" partner. It was the autumn of my eighteenth year.



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