Chapter 18: Dance Partner

The first and last evening party at the Arita House to celebrate our graduation has begun.
It’s a time of dream-like fun.
We were laughing, chatting and really enjoying the time.

Adele and his friends took turns on patrol, but nothing happened and our cheerfulness continued.

My mother used to say, in the old days there was a gorgeous evening party every night in the Principality. It may be selfish, but today is the first and maybe last night party we’ll ever have.

That is why it may be such an irreplaceable, sparkling night.

As the moon rose, the orchestra began playing a waltz.
It was my first experience dancing in such a wonderful place, but I did learn the steps at the academy.
I took the initiative and put all my strength into my hand, looking up at Adele, who had just returned from patrol.

"A-Adele, why don't you dance?"
I chewed my cheek …
It was unimaginable to dance with Adele, and I thought that there was a 70% chance that I would be refused, but I really wanted to dance with Adele tonight.
Adele might have expected me to ask for a dance, as he shrugs his shoulders and sighs …

"I'm honored, princess"
Grinning, he holds out his hand to me.
Adele puts one hand on my waist and we start dancing to the music.
Adele is dancing! Adele's eyes are slightly downcast and have a scowl on his face, but when his eyes meet mine, he gives me a faint smile.
I was so happy that I could dance forever, my feet begin to float.

Hey, Adele.
We've been fighting for a long time.
I said many times how I would never speak to you again! Such harsh words.
You're dancing with me on such a day today.
I'm very happy.
I hope this time will continue forever.

The song ends.
When I try to open my mouth to ask to dance to the next song.

"Can I cut in?"
Julius taps Adele's shoulder.
Julius smiles to our astonishment, looking specifically at Adele.
"Don't look so scared, okay? Tonight also serves as a graduation party for student council members. What's so unnatural about dancing with childhood friends who are about to be separated? Everyone’s already started to dance together.”

He gestured to the rest of the hall with his eyes.
Certainly, everyone was dancing happily while changing partners.

I felt like Adele was about to say something, but he didn't and handed me over to Julius without looking at me.
I instinctively try to speak to Adele, but.

"Can you dance with Cornelia, Adele? I'm sure she’s waiting."
Julius said as Adele walked away, so I swallowed my words.
The song plays. Julius hugs my body with a graceful movement and we begin to dance.

Julius’ steps are light and fast.
As Julius leads our dance down the center of the hall, I desperately search for Adele.

"Tia, aren’t you supposed to look at your dance partner?"
Julius hugs me and whispers in my ear.

"Oh, I'm sorry … Julius-sama is very good ..."
When I look up, I’m surprised to see Julius’ smiling face very close to me in the glittering light.

"Hey Tia, do you remember what I said before?"
"Can you call me Julius and not Julius-sama?"

I saw Adele over Julius' shoulder. Cornelia looked up at Adele and talked about something.
With a laugh, her hand gently touches Adele's arm.

I refuse.
I turn my eyes down. My field of vision blurs.

"Tia, I'm--"
Julius' voice is suddenly cut off.

"Julius, I'm sorry, but I'm the one who’s escorting her."
The figure of Adele pulling Julius' shoulder was reflected in my watery eyes.
Adele squeezes my tear-stained wrist and heads for the exit.

Leaving the hall, walking through, and avoiding the people who were laughing and dancing happily with each other … we walk out the front door, come to a corner of the entrance where the light doesn't reach, he turns and hugs me tightly.

Strong, strong force.
He’s likely to pull my body into his own like this.
Holding me … clinging to me.
"Adel, it hurts …”

He suddenly lets go of my body and kisses me … like a bump.
At first, he keeps our lips locked as if to hold me down from above, then presses my body against the wall of the mansion, until I could no longer hold my breath nor pull away.
His tongue breaks through my lips then become entwined with my tongue.

"Hmm ..."
Probably his most intense kiss ever.
As our lips separated, the mixed saliva pulls a string between us, and I couldn't look at Adele's face because I was too lightheaded and embarrassed.

Adele gently wipes my lips with his thumb and looks at me with a sad expression.

"You were dancing with Julius, but … I disturbed you two."
He drops his gaze as if sulking.
Like a kid who knows he’s about to be scolded.
I didn't know what to say, so I took a big breath and-

"Did you dance with Cornelia-sama?"
Adele looks at me with a suspicious brow,

"That should be the least of your worries …… especially when you're dancing with Julius."
"On the contrary ..."
I suddenly feel like laughing.

"You’re stupid. I don't think there’ll be another chance anymore …”
Seeing my face, Adele puts his forehead on my shoulder.
His lonely, childish gestures are irresistibly cute.
"… I want to hold you here right now"
"No, that's impossible."
He stands straight again and we lock gazes, this time laughing at each other.

"Hey, Adele …”
"There’s something I want to tell you …”

A sharp voice flies from the entrance of the villa.
Adele instantly takes a protective stance, hiding me behind his back.

"What happened?!"
He pulls my hand and we head out to a brighter area.
It was Elmer, a classmate from the same Knight course as Adele, his eyes wandered about with his back against the light of the entrance
He’s filled with relief upon seeing us.

"It seems that Imperial students are riding carriages to the main gate of the mansion. It's a student organization event, so they also have the right to attend and … Julius is on his way, but Cornelia-sama wants you to go as well."

Adele clicks his tongue.
"Damn … they said they weren't interested-"
He spoke to the indignant Elmer.
"-Okay, I'll head over now." 
Adele answers briefly and turns to me.
"Go to the hall. I'll be back soon."
I nod.

It'll be okay as long as Julius and Adele are there.
Elmer thinks so, and I'm sure Cornelia does also.
Of course, I think so too.

When I saw Adele's back as he was about to head for the horse stables, I wondered why I felt very uneasy from the bottom of my heart.

I called his name unintentionally.
Adele turned around, I continued in a slightly quivering voice.
"When you come back, I have something to tell you."
Adele stopped for a moment then looked at me.
"Me too."

I’ll say it, and this time I will move forward without looking back.
I’ll be fine.

I put my hands together, praying with my hands tightly on my chest.

"Kya …”
At that time, a girl's scream comes faintly, and I feel like I heard it from the back of the garden.

As I look around, Adele is already heading to the main gate.
I hesitate for a moment, but … I step into the yard.

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