Chapter 17: The Night Party

On that day, stars colored the night sky of the former Principality of Arita.

"Adele, look! Everyone is gathering !!"
Unable to control my excitement, I lean out of the carriage and look up at the mansion of the Duke of Arita on the hill.

The trees on both sides of the gentle slope leading to the Duke's residence were adorned with orange lamps at regular intervals, fantastically coloring the road leading to the beautiful white and blue pavilion.

"I see it, calm down or you’ll fall out."
Adele riding a horse next to my carriage pleads.

Today, Adele is dressed in formal attire, as befits the head of the Knight Course at the Imperial Academy.
A pure white cloak with a blue lining and a gold thread edging with the coat of arms of the Academy on the neck.
Adele usually dresses a little more down and in a somewhat indifferent manner compared to me, the difference is so big that I've been so nervous since a while ago that I can't look directly at him now.

I was reluctant, but Adele insisted on picking me up at my mansion.
As he descended into the hall tensely, Adele opened his eyes and then shyly looked down ……… and raised his mouth a little proudly.
"I told you … amber, it definitely suits you."

I wore a dress that my grandmother wore when the Principality of Arita was once more glamorous, adjusted to my size as much as possible.
My grandmother's wardrobe had been quite abandoned after 12 years when the Principality was destroyed, but I remembered that the amber dress, which looked like melted ore, remained.

It had been a long time since I had been to an evening party, my mother and grandmother were excited to the fullest, and I spent half a day polishing my body, doing my hair, and carefully applying makeup.
My mother even decorated me with a treasured necklace that was hidden in the depths of the mansion.

I wondered if Adele would laugh if he learned how enthusiastically I dressed up.
I can't help being told that it's impossible …
It’s what I thought, so I was surprised and upset by Adele's words ... I almost cried.
But after that, close to my ear, "Isn't it a little too much cleavage?"
Adele whispered dissatisfied, so I laughed.


The carriage slowly climbs the hill, I look at the distance from other carriages aiming for the mansion.

Thank you so much, Cornelia and Julius, for allowing me to come with Adele to such a wonderful party …!

"Adele, I'm really looking forward to tonight."
I called out to him.

"That's right … me too."
Adele also laughs.
Seeing that smile, I start to think.
Adele will definitely treasure Cornelia. I like it, I guess.

But maybe.
I wonder if he likes me about half as much…
Or does he hold me in order to eliminate his desires, or complete our duty as pairs?
No, it's not Adele's feelings that matter, but my own determination.
When this evening party is over, I will tell Adele the truth.

Feeling my heart pounding, I press my fingertips deeper into the window.


Arita Castle, where numerous evening parties and ceremonies were held during the years of the Principality of Arita.
It is now the place where the Empire conducts its work.
However, the Duke of Arita's residence, where the Arita clan moved to, was still a gorgeous and luxurious mansion available to use.
The daughters of aristocrats descended from carriages one after the other, as if dancing in their colorful dresses, and into the light that spilled out from the entrance.

I got out of the carriage among them. Adele got off his horse a step earlier and holds out his hand for me

In the hall, musicians who once played for the court during the Principality era and are about to become grandfathers are gathered for tonight’s event (Julius seems to have found them ... as expected!) Beautiful echoes in the hall.

I enter with Adele.
Everyone from the grade is gathered together with each other’s pair, and when they see each other, they become embarrassed and grimace.

While I was chatting with the girls in a slightly more pretentious tone than usual, Cornelia came down the spiral staircase leading to the second floor of the atrium in the center of the hall, escorted by Julius.

Cornelia, in a rosy dress, was so beautiful that it took my breath away, and Julius, who took her hand, seemed to shine brilliantly as well, and I couldn't help but fold my hands in front of my chest and gaze up at them in rapture.

"Hey, you look like you're drooling."
I snapped out of my trance at Adele’s quiet mutter.

Cornelia smiles at me, poking Adele's hips with her elbows.
"Tia, I'm glad you came. I'm sad that all of us will be graduating soon, but … let's go all out and make wonderful memories tonight."

An evening party I will never forget has begun.

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