Side Story Adele Chapter 8

 -------- “Adele, I'm really looking forward to tonight.”

Tiana's voice from just a few hours ago echoes in my head. When she looked out the carriage window at me with a childish smile.

I turned to the long corridor and go down the stairs.
I stepped into the corridor that connected the main building to the remote area.

I know that there is a row of guest bedrooms on the second floor of the detached house.
I raise my eyes and see that only a few of them are lit.
I kick in a door at one end.

"Wait, Adele!!!"
I can hear Cornelia's voice from behind, I’ll apologize later for ignoring her.

As I try to run through the corridor.
I don't know why I decided to look there, even after all this time.
However, I scan the front yard of the mansion on my left … Now it's sunk in darkness.

Perhaps relieved that I had stopped, Cornelia caught up with me.

At the very back of the yard, in the dark … I saw a small shadow moving.
At that moment, I move to jump over the fence of the path without thinking about anything.
Kick the grass at my feet and run straight.

There is only one, one thing, on my mind.

"-------- Adele !!!!!!"
"Tiana !!!!!!!!!"
The shadow slumped and fell forward.
I slid my body into it just in time before it fell to the ground.

I hugged her soft, small, thin, trembling body into my chest.
Unconsciously hugging her tighter and tighter.

I felt that if I loosened the strength in my hand even for a moment …… it would be taken away from me.
The beating of Tiana's heart and the soft touch of her body is felt even through my clothes.
I relaxed a little and looked at Tiana's face.

Her hair is in a mess, sticking to her forehead and cheeks. Leafs were tangled in her hair.
Even the top of her nose is covered with mud…… What happened to you?- you were so beautifully made up earlier.
I think she may have been crying.

I gently stroke Tiana's forehead.

"You look terrible ……  are you hurt? Are you okay?……”
“I love you, Adele!"
Tiana looked up into my eyes as she spoke.

I'm not sure what to say, but seh continues.

“I love you the most. I've always loved you. I've loved you ever since we were kids. I don't want to forget it, uhm, there’s no way I can. I don't like anyone else. Only you ………”
“Me too.”
I've wanted this for a long, long time.
I had been hesitating for a long time, wondering what I would do if I reached out and failed

"I've always loved you, only you … I've always loved you."
"No, I've liked you longer than you've liked me."
"No, I've loved you longer."
"No, I have."
"No, me!!"
"Ah, be quiet and give up!!"
Our eyes meet.
Deep green, round eyes. For a long time, I've wanted you to see only me in them, and now.

“………… I thought I was going crazy.”
I whisper and press my lips on Tiana's to hide the fact that I was about to cry.
“I love you."

I've been meaning to say it ……… for so long.


"Hey, wait a minute ……. Adele!!!!"

The next day, in the middle of the day, I had Tiana on a horse, riding with her at a high speed.
I love how Tiana clings to my chest as if frightened by how fast I'm going. I wanted to hug her right now on the side of the road, but I struggled to hold back with my last remaining reason.

Running out of control, we run to my house.

Behind the house, in front of the stable, my brother Wim was feeding the horses with his attendants.

"Brother? What? What's wrong with that person …… Tiana-sama!?”
He’s not sure what to make of this. However, it was natural for him to be surprised when I suddenly brought her to him on horseback.

"I'm going to use the guest room. Don't let anyone come near.”
"What? Hey, brother …!?"
I left my brother, who was red and confused, and crossed the hall.
There is my private room, which I don't come back often to since I moved to the dormitory at the school.

We enter the room and I set Tiana down on the bed.

"I can't look at Wim's face after this ……”
Tiana was turning red as I kissed her and frustratingly untied her.
I think I'm going to ……… explode. I'm not sure what to do.

Last night. After what happened.
To be honest, I didn't really care what happened after that, because all that mattered to me was that Tiana and I came to terms with our feelings.

I decided that we had to leave the Empire before dawn.
I was hoping that we could be picked up from the port by a friendly merchant ship and the two of us could cross over to the other side of the ocean.

It was Cornelia who stopped us.

"Forget it, just come with me to see the Administrator."
Seeing Lady Cornelia insist in a decisive tone, Tiana complied while I followed her with impatience.
As a result, the information that we heard confused Tiana a lot, but for me, I have a lot to say, but in short, I'm going to punch Julius.

To be honest …… I was still undecided about the idea of leaving this Empire and going to a foreign country with Tiana.
I wish we could be together forever.
And if they don't get in the way ……  I'd even prefer that.

I wanted to take all of Tiana into me, and I couldn't help it.

"Hmm, ......, wait, Adele, ......."
I started with her forehead.
Her eyelids, lower lashes, top of her cheeks, tip of her nose, and the bone above her ears (IDK). I ran my tongue along the shape of her ears and gently licked her earlobes.
Laying my own body on top of Tiana's naked body, rubbing against her, and whisper in her ear.

“I love you, Tiana. ......"
Tiana's body trembles at my whisper as she kept her eyes down in embarrassment, and I can see the blood gathering at her ears. Every cell in my body wants Tiana right now. I know that much.

It's like I've been in the desert forever.

“Don't do this …… Don't say that while you're doing this ……”
Trace her lips with my fingertips and place the tip of my tongue against them.

“ …… This, it’s embarrassing ……”
She stirs.
I kiss her deeply, then gently separate our lips so that our foreheads can press against each other.

“Is there anywhere else …… I haven't touched yet?"
I whispered as I licked the other ear, then traced her soft breast, and kissed the nib.
Tiana's breathing is getting faster.
My own breath is as hot as hers.

"Hooh ……”
Her sweet voice. Let me hear more.
I trace the tips of her breasts with the tip of my tongue and put one hand over Tiana's mouth, making her open her soft lips.

“I love your body, every inch of it ……  I love you so much.”
I can say that I like her as much as I want.
I can love her while saying exactly what I think.
That fact alone is enough to make me feel like I'm already ascending.

I couldn't resist, so I made Tiana open her legs wide.
From below, I pushed up with my abdomen to make her spread her legs.

"What the ......?”

I don't know if I've ever seen her like this from the front in such a brightly lit room.
I look down at it, completely facing up.

Beyond her entrance that fascinates me, my eyes meet Tiana's as she looks up at me with teary eyes and a red face.
She was horrified.

"I can see you."
My voice trails off. Slowly, I lick my lips with the tip of my tongue.
As if to show her what I was about to do to her.

"Huh, no...ahhh........."
I started from the bottom, slowly … licking, and opened her folds.
Her juice begins to pour out
I stick my tongue inside her.
It was hot and sweetly tight.
I pushed my tongue further in and rubbed her clit with my finger.

I let go of her entrance and sat up to stare at her.

“It's okay since we like each other, isn't it?”
I grinned back at Tiana's face.
I went back, this time licking her clit with my tongue and burying my finger inside.
It was hot and throbbing. I slowly rub inside. I raised my head up with my finger still buried in her.

"Oh, no, no, no, I can't..."
I grabbed Tiana's wrist to prevent her from hiding her face and looked into her eyes.

“Tell me you like me.”
"… What?"
When Tiana looks at me with tears in her eyes, I say a little too quickly. I'm starting to feel like I'm running out of time.

"I've been saying it all day. Tell me you like me too."
“I ……”
Tiana rolls her eyes and looks up at me.

"Stupid ......."
I was happy to see her smile, but a little frustrated, and rubbed inside Tiana, inside of her.

"Say it."
Tiana looked at me with tears in her eyes as she put her hands over her mouth ……

“I love …… I've always loved you. I love you more than anything in the world, more than anyone ……”
Yes, I've reached my limit.
I press my lips against Tiana’s as I pulled my fingers out of her folds.

“I’m coming in.”
“Wait, I can't …… continue.”
“Don't worry, we can still go again and again."
I pushed into her as she squeezed …… where she would accept me, and me alone, for the rest of my life.

“I love you, Tiana ......."
From the point where we were connected, I felt a stirring pleasure and a tingling sense of happiness.

“I'll never let you go again, even if you say you don't want to …… I'll never, ever …… make you cry again.”
“I don't care if I cry.”
Tiana cupped my cheek with her hands and looked up at me.

“I don't care how much …… crying I've done or will do. It's okay as long as I’m with Adele. If I can laugh with Adele afterwards, I'm fine with that ……”

I feel like I'm going to cry.
Or maybe I'm already crying.

I intertwine my fingers with Tiana's and drop a kiss on her lips for the- I don't know how many times today.


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