Side Story Adele Chapter 4

That was my 16th birthday, so it was almost two and a half years ago.
I had spent the day without feeling particularly emotional about the fact that it was my birthday but when I left the auditorium after my economics lecture, I saw Tiana standing there, and I suddenly became aware that it was my birthday.

Tiana stood with a tense face, hugging a small … light blue package to her chest.

"Adele …”
She calls me with an angry face. My cheeks tint red.
It's been so long since she’s spoken to me on her own that I'm quite upset, which is pathetic. I realized that today was my birthday, and that made me conscious of the package that Tiana was carrying, even if I didn't want to.

"What … what a creepy thing for you to call out to me. What did you come here to complain about? Did something happen to Cornelia?"
What? What is this line? Don't tell me I'm saying that?

Tiana’s expression quickly changed.
"If something happened to Cornelia-sama, I'm not obligated to report it to you, you idiot."
"Then what is it? I mean, what the hell is that?"
I was too curious and pointed to the package that Tiana was holding.

"This is …”
"Hey, it’s Tia. What's going on?"
Julius, who had come out of the auditorium late, called out to us happily, and I clicked my tongue.
Tiana sees Julius and smiles as if she was saved.

"Julius-sama …! Oh, um … I was wondering if you'd like to take a look at this ……”
She presented the package to Julius.
"What? What is this?"
Julius hurriedly put his things back under his arm, took the package, and opened the seal.

"Wow, sweets? These are my favorite. Did Tia make them?"
"Well … they’re not that good. I'm still practicing …”
Leaving me behind, the two of them walked happily shoulder to shoulder.
That night, I followed my senior to the city at night for the first time, which he had always invited me to do.

At first glance, I thought it was just a place that served light drinks, but it was an unspoken agreement that it was such a place, and as soon as we sat down, a woman approached us. For the first time, I experienced what men and women do.

I felt that I could have done it with anyone.
There was some momentary pleasure, but the feeling of emptiness and self-loathing afterward was too much for me, and that was the end of it.

I really wondered why people would find meaning in such an act, but then I thought about what it would be like to do that with … Tiana. I was so excited that I could not stop imagining it, and I felt depressed again, and then I felt nauseous when I thought that Tiana would eventually do that with someone in the same class, who I didn't know, at her coming of age ceremony.

I absolutely have to pair with Tiana, after all.
I renewed my determination.
I couldn't help but remember.

Less than three years have passed since that day. Now, I'm sucking Tiana's little toe as she lies on the bed in a state of disarray in a small room in a remote location of the house bathed in the dusk.

"No, stop, Adele … huh …”
Tiana shyly raises her irresistibly cute voice.
Small and thin, with a slightly rounded tip, even down to her little toes, Tiana is very pretty.

I continued to lick and suck on her toes, working my way up from her small round ankles, to her thin ankles(that is what is originally written), to her white calves … and up. As I lifted her legs, I could see the hidden area that always fascinates me, Tiana's entrance.
Beyond her torso, Tiana's face shuddered with tears.

The reason I remembered my 16th birthday was probably because I ate Tiana’s baked sweets. I have fulfilled my long-cherished wish of two and a half years and finally ate Tiana's homemade sweets.
They were very sweet and delicious.

Above all, I was so happy to hear from Tiana that she thought I was tired and made them for me, I almost … wanted to cry.

But on the other hand, Tiana is seriously saying something like I shouldn't care if her body gets injured or not.
That’s impossible for me.
I can't allow even a … touch on Tiana's body. I'm not sure what I would’ve done to that
bastard Dirk if he had hurt even a hair on her head.

And yet, Tiana is looking at me like that? Even though we've been laying on top of each other for so long, doesn’t she feel any of my love at all?

"Your body isn't full of scratches after all."
Her skin is milky, soft, and smells sweet everywhere.
To me, it's like a miracle, like a treasure that can't be replaced by anything in the world.
How can I tell her that? How will she take good care of herself?
Thinking about it makes me want to laugh a little.

Take care of herself …? How can I say such a thing when I'm the one who's holding her down of my own volition?


"Amazing, your overflowing."
Tiana squeezes and a warm and irresistible sensation envelops around my two rugged fingers. Tiana's naked body twitches and shivers on the bed as I move my fingers inside her.
I want to hear that voice more and more, so I tease and torment Tiana a lot.

With just two of my fingers, Tiana is in such a state of disarray, crying out and exposing her body sporadically, and making cute noises.

At first, I held back from kissing.
I knew that if I kissed her, I would be overwhelmed with feelings.
But I realized that there was no way I could keep from kissing her.

I cover Tiana's lips with my own. I couldn't stop myself from speaking my mind.

"If another guy touches your body the way I do… I will never forgive it. "
"Adele, Adele …"
Tiana reaches out to me crying. Clinging to my neck.
Too cute. It’s unbearable.

"I will never forgive even Julius …"
No. I'm already at my limit.

Despite everything, I want to tell Tiana my feelings … I want to tell her that I love her so much ……… I might go crazy if I don’t.

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