Side Story Adele Chapter 1

(Sorry for the delay, I wanted to take a break before handling the side story. please enjoy and support Akane-sensei however you can :) )


How can I get you to look at me … and show me a smile like that?

I checked the document three times.
On that day, the document was finally distributed to the seniors, envelopes sealed with wax.
Other students of the Knight course open their respective envelopes with a tense look.

The first time I thought it was a hallucination.
The second time I wanted to calm down.
The third time, I slowly lowered my right hand to my waist and squeezed it over and over again.

An important document that tells you your partner for the coming-of-age ceremony.
On my paperwork was the name I had been praying for a miracle for.
Since the age of 11, I, Adele Berger, had only one thing I prayed for to God.

I never prayed to God for anything that I couldn’t manage on my own.
I couldn't let God's miracle be used in vain for such a thing.

No matter how difficult an exam, no matter how tough the selection process went, no matter if I had an important assessment the next day, or if I'd been seriously injured in a training exercise.

I never once prayed to God, and I was willing to die for the sake of it.

There is only one thing I entrusted to God.
--- Let me pair up with Tiana Klein for the "Adult Ritual".

I won my wager with God.

"Adele, who's your pair, Tiana?"
The day before the ceremony. My classmate Elmer approached me as I was cleaning up after sword training, trying to keep my nerves in check and keep my composure.
"Wow, you guys are quite the pair. I think you're going to end up spending the whole night fighting."

"…… Well, you know. I don't know if I could get mine up with a girl like that.”
Elmer laughed heartily, but Julius said he was envious, poking me with his elbows.
"-This coming from the guy who was paired with Cornelia."

Elmer nodded his agreement, hiding his inner annoyance.
"But Julius' love for Tiana is real. It wouldn't work out in this pairing system."

I said to myself. I was feeling depressed.
What would Tiana look like if she knew that Julius had always liked her and wanted to be paired with her?

Unfortunately, the reality is, Tiana's pair is me.
And I'm sorry, but I'm definitely not going to let Tiana hear about Julius’ real feelings.

I can't have Tiana … Even if I can't have her heart, I can have her body, I have no choice but to bet on this mating system.

Day of the “Adult Ritual”.

I entered the designated private room early, which was a bit of a surprise to me.
Sit on the sofa by the window and face the door.

I try not to look at the bed that makes its presence known by the wall, but I do. And already my blood is gathering in certain parts of my body.

Calm down. It wouldn't be right to get hard at this stage, no matter how much I want to.

Because we fight like cats and dogs.

In fact, I was tempted to abstain for about ten days for this day and put everything I had into this.
Because I've been waiting for this day for seven years.

But if I did that, I would forget myself the moment I see Tiana naked (just thinking about it is killing me). I'd turn into a beast. I can't do that. Tiana would be confused and scared.
That's absolutely not good.

That's why I had to do a lot of self-treatment last night (which was easy considering what I was going to do today with Tiana), and go in today in a clear-mided, sane mode.

I'm restless. My chest is throbbing.
Is Tiana really coming?
I wonder if there is a mistake.
Is there sucha thing as serendipity like this?

The person I've cherished the most.
Since we were kids.

At age 11, I couldn't change our relationship even after I realized my feelings.
I wanted her to look at me and laugh, and I wanted her to notice me, even with anger, rather than ignoring me completely.

It's a negative chain of events. Before I knew it, we had become the "two people who can't get along" that the entire class recognized.

It's been 12 years since the empire robbed us of our country.

I am aware that I hold no strong loyalty to the Principality of Arita, but I have never thought of the Empire as my homeland.

But just for this.
I'm sorry, everyone from the former Principality of Arita. I know it's bad for all the classmates who are having a hard time today.

Only now, I'm so … so grateful to the Empire.
Because it's here, today I …

The door opens without a knock.

Hey …
I nervously pretend to be looking at the window, as I had planned from the beginning.
Tiana Klein enters the room.

A shiver runs down my spine.
It reminded me of the feeling I had when I had a serious hand-to-hand training session with a superior member of the Knight course.

She's not very tall. Just average.
Dark maroon hair flutters behind her, with a discreet beige ribbon tying the sides of her hair back.

Her forehead is white and smooth, making her look younger than her age of 18, but her round eyes are filled with wisdom and will, and she looks straight at me.

Now that we're a couple, I know the first thing she'll do when she sees me.
I sighed long and hard, as if I were breathing with Tiana.

I speak first:
"Why are you my partner …”


“I don’t think I’ll ever get it up with you …”
I practiced saying this four times in my imagination yesterday.

When she said, "Same here!" I couldn't help but laugh because it was a bit crushing.

“We don't like each other. We’ve established that ok? But let’s think about the future now. Tonight, we can think of it as a job, an obligation and kill our hearts. It’s like a tragic accident. There are some things in life that you just have to overcome. Do you understand?”

I was pretty seriously hurt when she told me that, as if she was saying it to her brother, asking him to just swallow it. Because that's all Tiana really feels, right?

Obligation. A tragic accident.
No, it’s fine.
At best, we’ll kill our hearts.
Don't underestimate my determination to make this day count.

I got up from the sofa.


Four times yesterday and twice this morning.

I hadn't done that much processing at once since I was 15, when I was at my peak in many ways.
And yet, all I had to do was look at Tiana sitting on the edge of the bed in her underwear, and I honestly thought … oh, I don't know if I can do this anymore.

Her white and thin shoulders are shaking.

The thin, pearly, shiny chemise is a little transparent and accompanied the outline of Tiana's supple breasts. I'm not sure what to make of it. It's so seductive that I lose my senses and I reach out … and brush Tiana's shoulders, neck, and hair up ………
I move to close the space between our lips.

My consciousness snapped back into place.

“No … kissing is too much.”
I mean, it's no good.
The urge to press my own lips against those pretty lips is overwhelming.
If I kiss her here, I … I wouldn’t be able to control my feelings anymore.
It'd be terrible as I devour Tiana.
Tiana would become confused by my actions. And may become scared.

I can’t do it. Even now, I'm barely restraining my passion and pretending to be "reluctant," even though I’m at my limit.

“Oh, that’s right. No kissing … that should be saved for the person you like!”
Yes, Julius, right?
Tiana said this while letting the lines of her body show through her chemise.

“But you sure did grow a lot.”
I can't believe I'm saying this.
Ahhhh, I'm acting so childish.
But with this circumstance, I was able to casually say what I’ve been dying to ask.

“Maybe it is your first time? Seeing and touching.”
My heart rang. No, this is her first time, right? Definitely. Because, no matter what, she's a Countess, right?

“Well, it’s only natural?! What about you …”
"I'm pretty normal."

While I was answering automatically, in my heart I took deep breaths and fought down the urge to jump off the bed and thank God in heaven.

No, I'm not saying that if Tiana had experienced something by mistake (and I don't think I could forgive the other guy) that it would change my feelings for her, but I'm still very happy that ……… I'm the first person to do something like this with her. I'm very happy.

Anyway, just as planned, I'm going to show that I am very experienced.
That would surely make Tiana feel at ease, right?
Actually, I had experienced it once before at a parlor that my senior took me to …

But in the process, Tiana said something out of the ordinary.

“You can often go there even though you like Cornelia-sama.”
What's that …

“It isn’t like that? But you’ve always loved Cornelia-sama since you were six years old. Maybe you’ve been working hard, hoping that you could be partnered with her.”
I knew it. I knew you were serious enough to say that on this night.

After deciding to protect Cornelia instead of Tiana, I tried to follow Cornelia as much as possible. If anything happens, I would rush before Tiana to help Cornelia.
Around the age of 15, Tiana muttered, "If Adele is here, Cornelia will definitely be safe," and I was ecstatic … Since then, I think Tiana has become even more distant from me.

I thought it was an acknowledgement of me as a knight … Well, I had dimly noticed it, but I still thought that way. I’m an idiot. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I was sure it was a good idea.

I raised the corner of my mouth. A desperate attempt.

"You too … Julius, I mean.”
Oh, why are we like this?
It's a night I've been looking forward to for seven years.

No, don't be discouraged.
Don't give up on this. Don't throw it out.

Once we graduate from the academy and go to different cities, Tiana will never want to see me again, no matter how much we sleep together.
In that case, even though we had a great deal of trouble, our connection would easily be lost.

So absolutely.
In a month before graduation.
I have to have a child with Tiana.

For that reason, I’ll use whatever method.

"If you don’t like it, just close your eyes and pretend you’re with Julius.”
I dropped my lips on Tiana's chest.

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  1. Thanks for the translation! I refresh this page everyday. Cant wait for the new chapter!

  2. OMG cant believe theres Adele POV!! Tysm <3


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