Chapter 8: Can't You Leave it to Me?

In the bright sunlight, I was walking in the outer corridor of the Imperial Academy to the library.
On my way to return the books I had used in class.
Suddenly, when I look in the direction of the east gate I notice the students of the Knight course finishing their sword practice and returning from the training grounds.
Without much effort, I find Adele amongst them.

My gaze has been sticking to Adele a lot these days.

Adele walks while chatting with several of his friends.
He's usually cold, doesn't laugh much, and has sharp eyes. So the smile he sometimes shows when he's with his peers is a surprise and very, very cute. He’s often called "beautiful but scary" by other girls.

As is the case, my accuracy in finding Adele has improved since our dubious relationship began.
I feel my heart pounding and my chest getting hot, I inadvertently hide behind the pillars in the corridor.

Holding the books to my chest, I adjust my breathing and then adjust my bangs.
Why is my maroon hair so frizzy?
I wish it could flutter in the wind like Cornelia’s ...

When I hear a cool voice call out I raise my gaze to notice a tall male student walking towards me from the other side of the corridor.
The royal blue cloak on the white uniform is dazzling on him.

"Julius-sama ...!"
I unconsciously straighten my posture.

Since long ago, that was a normal reaction when anyone stood in front of Julius.
Like a prince who appears in fairy tales, like something I would read in fairytales as a child.
We haven't seen the existence of "Prince’s" since the Principality was destroyed, but I'm sure he'd be like Julius.

"What are you up to?"

He takes one quick glance at my entire self hiding behind the pillar then looks in the direction of the east gate and smiles with understanding.
"Are you waiting for Adele? Shall I call him?"
"No, it’s for a different--!"
In my hurry, my hand releases the books I was holding. They lose balance and fall all over.
Julius swiftly catches the books as if there was no gravity.

"Are you going to the library? I'll help you."
"No, it's unthinkable! Aren’t you busy?"

Before I could mention the members returning from the sword practice area, Julius quickly takes the rest of the books I had and walks ahead of me. I feel like an inconvenience.
I quickly matched his pace behind him.

"I already took care of my business. I went to the director of the school."
Julius smiled refreshingly.

"Cornelia was talking about wanting to have a celebration at her mansion before graduation.”
“But will they give you permission for such an event?”
“That's why I applied for it as a hand-over event for the next student council leaders. I think it will pass."
"It’ll make Cornelia-sama happy too."
Imagining Cornelia's smile has my voice bouncing.
Since the so-called "18-year-old’s rebellion" against the pairing system 12 years ago, the Empire has been very cautious about young people gathering in groups. Since then, the numerous evening parties that colored the nights of the Principality were completely hidden.

Julius (also the student council president of our year) is more than capable of arranging a night party for Cornelia ...! !!
"That's Julius-sama for you!"

Julius smiles bitterly at my words.
"Even now, you still use honorifics with me."

That's right, I answer.
"Everyone does, not just Cornelia-sama, but Julius-sama is still Julius-sama, right?" (meaning above everyone else)

"It's a great honor, but I sometimes think … these days … ?"
Julius stops and laughs. The light from the garden shines in his hair.

I angle my head a little and look up at Julius

"I wonder if there was a different future, would you call me just Julius."
Julius smiles a little … a little lonely as he looks at me.
What does he mean …

A low and firm voice calls out. My heart skips a beat as I jerk my head to see Adele standing behind the flowerbed in the courtyard.

The cute smile he had previously worn around his friends disappears, and for some reason, a terribly moody expression takes its place.
When he catches me staring, he comes closer, jumping the flowerbed.

"Sorry, Adele. I was helping Tia just now."
"I can do the rest, you can go back now."
Adele assertively takes the books from Julius.
"Let's go."
He orders me before walking away swiftly.

"Huh, w-wait a minute, Adele … ! This is very rude but please excuse us, Julius-sama!"
Julius waves with a lonely ambiance. I was curious about the meaning of the words from earlier, but I was too busy chasing down Adele to think about it.
"Adel, it’s fine now, right? I can carry at least this much ..."
"You can rely on Julius, but you can't leave it to me?"
Adele says without looking back.

Feeling annoyed by his tone, I frowned.
What’s all this about ...?
I thought about it carefully.

The top of the Knight course has heard that Julius and Adele have been competing for the last few years.
Swordsmanship, equestrian, tactics ... During that time, Adele seems to have been competing against Julius the most.
It was said that everyone in the Knight course went through this, but I understand the reason.
All of them must have been hoping to be a knight suitable for Cornelia.

However, in the end, it was Julius who was paired off with Cornelia.

It seems he doesn't want to lose to even the smallest things ... even carrying books to the library.

I pondered on bettering Adele's mood and remembered just the right news.
"Hey, I just heard from Julius-sama that Cornelia-sama is holding an evening party!"
Adele continues silently.
"Are you surprised? When was the last time there was such a party? I'm sure Cornelia-sama will be wearing the rosy dress she got from the Imperial City the other day. She showed me when she received it. I’ve seen it, but will it be to your taste?"
We arrive at the library. Adele opens the heavy door and goes inside first.
People were in sparse groups, probably because it was break time.

"What will you wear?"
I was surprised when Adele quietly spoke without looking at me.
"What to wear … I haven't thought about it yet … maybe I can wear my uniform."
"Julius likes gold lotus flowers more than roses, so I think you should go with that. I like amber myself."
I'm so surprised when Adele utters unexpected words.

I was happy to hear Adele telling me his favorite color was amber (though I might not go with it), but I laugh to hide my excitement.

"That’s unexpected ... I thought Julius-sama was the kind of person to find any small roadside flower attractive. Plus … "
I couldn't help wondering about Julius’ favorite color, suddenly my arm was grabbed as I tried to continue.
In the shadow of the bookshelf out of sight from the center area.
Adele silently looks down at me, sandwiching me between the bookshelf.
"Adele ...?"
I ask, Adele leans forward, and … is he going to kiss me? I close my eyes.

But, as time passed, nothing touched me, and when I open my eyes, Adele turns down and sighs slowly.
Then, behind his long eyelashes looking up at me, a flame was quietly lit.

He rolls up my uniform skirt …. and puts a finger in the back between my thighs.
"Eh … !? You … "

I've been embraced by Adel many times since then, and I've been completely unraveled, but to do something like this at school during the day, I’m surprised and push Adel's chest back ... but he doesn’t look surprised.

"You’re not wet … "
Adele mutters. When I meet his eyes, he grins.
"I thought you’d be wet after talking to Julius?"
My face gets hot.

"What are you saying … do you think people are--”

Adele exhales and loosens his shirt tie.
"I wanna touch you."
"You’re lying, right? Are you stupid, in a place like this … "
"Don’t be too loud"

Adele's hands push forward.



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