Chapter 15: Preparations for the Night Party

(no snu snu until around ch.21 :( )

“How wonderful ... !!"
On entering the room, Ella and the others became lively.
The room was nothing luxurious but the furnishings are what gave the room its beauty.
Colorful dresses can be seen from the opened closet.
Some of them were put on torso mannequins and shined brightly in the light coming through the window.

"It's the first and maybe the last night we can spend together. My mother was excited. She ordered a lot of dresses from her grandmother’s estate. Everyone is allowed to choose the one they like best."
At Cornelia’s words, the room is immediately flooded with the roar of the girls.

"Thank you, Cornelia-sama."
I thanked her as we stood at the entrance of the room.
I knew there were aristocrats from the former Principality that lost their power and would find it difficult to dress up for the evening party. So I consulted with Cornelia in secret.

"Thank you, Tia. I'm the one holding the evening party, after all. And I'm glad everyone will get to wear these dresses."
Cornelia smiled like a budding flower.
"Julius sent my request for the evening party to the academy … I just pray that it will proceed without a hitch on the day. It seems that the Imperial students are making suspicious movements ..."
Cornelia casts a faint shadow between her beautiful eyebrows.

I remembered back to Dirk’s vulgar threat, "I can ruin you." I also suspected the Imperial students were acting restless just before graduation.

"It'll be okay! Everyone on the Knight course will take turns chaperoning the event."
I say in a bright voice, Cornelia also smiles.
"Yeah … Oh, will you also choose a dress? How about that light green color? It looks very similar to your eye color."
"Oh, I … I have something I want to wear from my mother's old wardrobe, so I'm going to adjust it as much as I can. Thank you, though …”
Her expression read as, “Is that so?” Then, from behind Cornelia, Ella, who held a sunflower-colored dress to her chest, approached with a laugh.

"Hey, Tia. Did I hear correctly? Adele carried you like a princess and took you away."
She must be talking about what happened after I was entangled with Dirk.
I started remembering that Adele literally kissed me from the tip of my toes to the top of my head, my face flushes red.
"No, it’s a bit of a stretch ..."

As I slumped, Ella and the others giggled and bumped shoulders with each other like butterflies.
"Somehow, Adele and Tia are doing really well?"
"Adele still looks unfriendly and scary, but he’s become more concerned over Tia lately."

My ears are getting redder and redder by everyone’s words and laughs.

"But I thought Adele was longing for Cornelia."
Irina casually speaks while looking in the mirror, making my heart squeak.

“Admiring her from afar, but also feels like he has to protect her …. I was impressed by his knightly spirit …. Hey!”
 Ella poked her, and Irina shut her mouth with a start.

"It’s fine. Adele and I, after all, are just a pair, nothing more …”
I panicked and smiled brightly to clear the air.


Around the afternoon, everyone had chosen their favorite dresses and went home with a light footstep.
In my enthusiasm, I checked the condition of each dress and listed them off to the person that wanted it. I only noticed much later that everyone had already gone away.

"Cornelia-sama …?"
She was still nearby up until a while ago, so I open the door of the room and head down the spiral staircase following where the lights coming from. Heading towards the entrance hall …

"I will make sure to always have three people on duty on the day of the party."
I hear a familiar voice and my chest bounces. I unconsciously hide behind the door.

"Thank you, that’s very reassuring."
"If three people aren't available, I'll make the rounds."
My heart beats faster. I sneak a peek, they’re in front of the entrance.

Adele and Cornelia talking.
Cornelia speaks first while looking at the paper spread out on her hands.
Adele points at the page, Cornelia looks then up at Adele, smiling pretty like a rose wet with morning dew.
Adele too.
Looks at Cornelia and smiles.
My heart becomes tight and my fingertips are cold.
I've seen these interactions many times over the last 12 years.
But why now?

Because I’ve become greedy.

"Oh, Tia. What are you doing there?"
I almost jump as someone speaks behind me.
Cornelia and Adele also look at me in astonishment.
As I look back, Julius gives an innocent smile.

"Welcome back Julius. Tia, I was just confirming the schedule of the Knight course on the day of the evening party."
Cornelia looks at me with a smile.

"I hope everyone has chosen a dress."
Following behind Julius, I approach them too.
I smile at Cornelia.
I wonder if I can laugh like normal.
I dare not look at Adele.

"Everyone was very pleased with the dresses. Right, Tia?"
"Yes, of course. I made a list."
"Good, I'm glad."
Julius nods and takes a short breath.
"… Before the adult ritual, we were worried that something would change when it was over, but everyone’s excited to have the evening party now … I look forward to seeing everyone enjoying each other’s company. You two are also a surprisingly good combination for a relationship that was brought together by a ritual... Is the feeling mutual, Adele?"
I don't see it but I feel Adele’s shoulders quivering in the air.

Adele replies.
"No … we're not like that."


Sometime later.
I was looking out the window, swaying in a carriage.
A beautiful two-headed carriage painted white and blue.
Next to me, Cornelia sits and speaks in a happy tone.

"I'm so excited to go to the festival with Tia. The festival in Lille is really beautiful, you know?"
Right, I'm looking forward to it, too. I smile back and remember back to when we were leaving.
However, the memory gets cut off and hazy after Adele said, "We're not like that".

"Ufufu, Julius!"
Julius rides a horse outside the window, waving lightly to respond to Cornelia's laughter.
Julius and … Adele are riding side by side next to the carriage, each on a horse.
I turn to my window and try to dry my tearful eyes with the wind.

I knew it.

For Adele, the most important thing is Cornelia.
I'm just a classmate
well, a classmate he’s uncomfortable with.
And by some God’s whim, we became a pair.
I have no other choice but to be held by him, and because of that, I will get possessive.
I’m aware of that.

The carriage glides through the sunset, eventually arriving at a festival in a small town.

"Let's go!!"
Cornelia bounces as she gets off the carriage, escorted by Julius.
Adele took my hand before Julius could. He continued to hold out his hand to me as if to interrupt Adele.

"You'll fall with that distracted daze."
What is that?
Who’s fault is it I’m in a daze?
I ignore Adele's hand and take Julius’. As I step down, I look up at Julius and smile.
"Thank you."

The whole town is in the middle of a spring festival.
I follow Cornelia and walk beside her. 

Adele, Adele.
I mutter in my head over and over.


"What is with her……"
Adele mutters under his breath before following Julius, who glances sideways at him .


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